Co-Founder & Environment Model Lead
driveblocks GmbH
the modular platform for autonomous driving
Munich, Germany
driveblocks GmbH
the modular platform for autonomous driving
Munich, Germany
Technical University of Munich
Institute of Automotive Technology
Chair of Automatic Control Engineering
Munich, Germany
Highly Automated Driving (HAD)
Garching, Germany
Packaging and Palletizing Robotics
Rosenheim, Germany
HAWE Hydraulik
Hydraulic Pump Crafting
Freising, Germany
Ph.D. - Automated Driving
Technical University of Munich
Master of Science - Electrical and Computer Engineering
Technical University of Munich
Bachelor of Engineering - Mechatronics
Rosenheim Technical University of Applied Sciences
The VDI Award was given for the master thesis “Development of a human-robot collaboration algorithm based on game theory“.
The VDE award, in the category science, was given for the bachelor thesis “Development of a tool for performance prediction of palletizing robots”.