Helping autonomous vehicles to execute adequate maneuvers, perceive the environment, and enable safe use of artificial intelligence. Constantly optimizing frequently used tools and daily routines.

Working Experience

Education and Training

  • Ph.D. 2022

    Ph.D. - Automated Driving

    Technical University of Munich

  • M.Sc. 2016

    Master of Science - Electrical and Computer Engineering

    Technical University of Munich

  • B.Eng. 2014

    Bachelor of Engineering - Mechatronics

    Rosenheim Technical University of Applied Sciences

Honors and Awards

  • 2021
    1st Place, Indy Autonomous Challenge - $1 Million Grand Prize
    With an average speed of 218.8 km/h, our team of the Technical University of Munich was able to take the victory at the Indy Autonomous Challenge on October 23, 2021 at the Indianapolis Motor Speedway (IMS), USA with the grand $1,000,000 prize.

  • 2016
    VDI Award
    The Association of German Engineers (VDI) has been awarding the VDI award for selected graduate theses every year for more than 35 years.
    Awards are given to engineering work that not only has a high degree of innovation, but also suggests economic and social relevance.

    The VDI Award was given for the master thesis “Development of a human-robot collaboration algorithm based on game theory“.

  • 2014
    VDE Award
    The Association for Electrical, Electronic & Information Technologies (VDE) honored outstanding technical and scientific achievements with the VDE Awards 2014. The VDE Awards were presented in the categories of business, science and school, and the Media Award for Technology was also presented. “With the VDE Awards, we want to honor outstanding scientific achievements as well as the commitment to more enthusiasm for technology among the population,” said Prof. Dr.-Ing. Petra Friedrich, Chairwoman of VDE Südbayern. The honors took place on November 27 at the Munich VDE Evening 2014 at the Bayerischer Hof.

    The VDE award, in the category science, was given for the bachelor thesis “Development of a tool for performance prediction of palletizing robots”.